Saturday, January 20, 2007


Your Social Articles Goes In here



Anonymous said...

Building bridges with your neighbor.
Building Bridges A farmer had an argument with his neighbor over a wandering cow. The result was that the neighbor left the argument and kept his friends cow, even though they had been friends for many years, the farmer allowed this situation to terminate this friendship with his neighbor. One day a traveling carpenter came to the farmers house and asked the farmer if he had any work for him. After thinking about it for a bit the farmer said "yes". He took the carpenter over to a stream and said "see that stream, it used to be a pond that my neighbor and I used to share, but last week we had a argument and my neighbor took his tractor and plowed a ditch so that the water flows between are property separating us. I want you to build a fence along my property high enough that I don't have to see him any more". The farmer left for town to take care of business and the carpenter got to work. At the end of the day the farmer returned home with great expectations, hoping not to have to look at his neighbor any more because of the new fence. When the farmer drove up his property he was shocked to see the carpenter waiting for him but he could not see a fence. The farmer parked his truck and went over to the carpenter, "what have you been doing all day and where is my fence". The carpenter took the farmer down to the stream and to the farmers astonishment he saw that the carpenter had built a bridge from his property over the stream to his neighbors property. Before he could say anything he saw his saw his neighbor coming over towards them, within a few moments the neighbor had crossed the bridge coming up to the farmer saying "you are to good". They made up their differences, the cow was returned and they became close friends once again. Later that evening the farmer asked the carpenter to stay on full time, he would give him full time work and pay him well, the carpenter declined saying "I must go there are more bridges to be built"

Anonymous said...

People should read this.